Friday, May 11, 2012

Cool...not cool?

Here I will post some things that I can’t decide if they are cool or not cool…you can decide for yourself.

Cool…not cool?
My house isn’t ready to move into because it isn’t completed…the chimbudzi (pit latrine) needs to be built. And by built I mean a hole needs to be dug.

Cool…not cool?
Riding 6 hours on the back of a potato truck because it was the best option for transport? Part of the time I was carrying a stranger’s baby.

Cool…not cool?
Because Rs and Ls are interchangeable my name is pronounced Sella…so I have taken to telling kids my name is C’est la Vie, which I find is invigorating to hear. That’s okay, right?

Gross…not gross?
When they said this job wasn’t going to be glamorous they should have said that my first project might be to organize the building of a new placenta pit because, get this, the current one is overflowing. GROSS! I guess this is why they say…it is a dirty job but someone has to do it. But let me say it one more time…GROSS! Wait…one more time…GROSS.

Cool…not cool?
The general reaction to the death of the President went something like this…”People are very, very concerned…about the lack of sugar…oh, and the President died…but did you hear about the lack of sugar?”



  1. I vote cool on all of them.
    Blessings, prayers and much love your way.

  2. 1. not cool - however I believe the phrase TIA would apply here
    2. Super cool - no stranger danger there...
    3. Super Super cool - gotta love the name game
    4. Gross - however placentas when capsulized and taken by the mother, can actually help in address postpartum depression or 'baby blues' - just something to consider
    5. LOL - gotta love sugar...

  3. I think they're all cool though I do hope your latrine is dug soon! Can you post a picture? :) and yes, while necessary, placentas are gross! Love you!
