Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This. is. happening.  

I am moving to Malawi...like tomorrow...morning. And by morning I mean at 1:30am the bus will pick up our training group from Philly and take us to New York to fly out.

In Malawi I will be working as a Community Health Advisor, with the HIV/AIDS initiative, for the Peace Corps. For the first few months I will be in training  so that I can learn the language of Chichewa (no I did not make that up), as well as cultural and technical training.  During this time I will be staying with a host family and preparing for my post assignment so that I can be productive in this time.  

Because of this journey I have decided to keep a blog (I will try to write about interesting things and things that might make you laugh), which leads me to why I have brought you here, will you malawi me?   

Blog me!

Sarah Weber


  1. Yeah! Blog it up Swebs!

  2. Thanks so much for putting that Malawi clock up, that's super helpful. Also, are those people in the picture really Malawian? If so, how'd you get that photo so quickly?

  3. Happy birthday Sarah! Excited for you in Malawi and looking forward to reading about your experiences from the blog. Hope you are having an amazing time!

  4. Two weeks!!! How are you doing??? So glad to know that it's 7:30pm where you are! Thinking about you....and just wanted you to know that we collected 3 bins of underwear for Caridad on your birthday!!! Happy Day!!!! Love you, Jann

  5. Hey Sarah,

    I hope you are having a great time. I sent you a Starbucks gift card for your birthday. Did you receive it? I wanted to get you something you could use anywhere.

    Love you,


  6. Happy belated birthday - wasn't able to post on your birtday, so had to go the old fashioned way and email and postal service instead. Hope you got my wishes. Love you!

  7. am finally 'hooked up' to this blog-thing! hope you are loving every single minute of your great experience. am sooo happy we were all able to be there with you before you left. love you lots! mary
